FSC & PEFC Policy

MADERGAL, S.L., as a company dedicated to cutting, selling and processing has decided to implement and maintain a Chain of Custody management system, which integrates the demands and requirements of the following standard: Forest Stewardship Council® FSC-STD-40-004-V3-1 and PEFC ST 2002:2020 Chain of Custody custody of forest products. Requirements

We intend to commit ourselves to the values ​​promoted by the PEFC and FSC® policy, publicly declaring that we are not directly or indirectly involved in:

  • Illegal trade in wood or derived products.
  • The violation of human or traditional rights in forest exploitation.
  • The destruction of high conservation values.
  • The conversion of natural forests into plantations or other uses.
  • The introduction of genetically modified organisms in forest management.
  • The violation of the ILO Conventions and the social and occupational health and safety requirements that this organization promotes:
    • Do not prevent workers from associating freely, electing their representatives, or bargaining collectively with the company, with the effective right to unionize.
    • Do not use forced labor, or carry out activities in dangerous conditions, which may affect the integrity of the workers
    • Do not use the hiring of workers below the legal minimum age of 15 years, or below the compulsory school age, if this is higher,
    • Promote treatment and equal opportunity conditions among workers, regardless of their ideologies, gender, sex, etc. Avoiding any type of discrimination in employment and occupation.
    • Guarantee in all cases that working conditions do not endanger the safety or health of workers, favoring and promoting the use of mechanical means of handling
    • .

This commitment will be disseminated among the employees, suppliers and customers of MADERGAL, S.L., and will be sent to any other interested party who requests it. The general management of MADERGAL, S.L. expects and wishes to collaborate actively with the ultimate goal of ensuring that the world's forests are managed responsibly

Annex I.2 ​​FSC and PEFC Policy
Review: 2
M ay 2022